Sunday, 23 February 2014

Cultural Clash Evaluation

I'm really pleased with the collection I have produced this term; I feel it is professional looking and truly represents a more industrial fashion collection, rather than a university project. I loved the theme I had chosen from the beginning as it was more of a challenge for me to clash two cultures rather than playing it safe with just one. At the beginning of the project, I was worried about the colour palette I would choose nevertheless I'm pleased I didn't tie myself to one as it has meant I've been able to build a more professional collection. I feel I have learnt from my mistakes from the last unit; last time I kept with the same style, repeated many of my prints and also used the same sort of drawing style. However this time, I have come more out of my comfort zone; experimenting with a variety of drawing medias has allowed me to come across materials I had forgotten I enjoyed working with. 

The work experience I completed has definitely made me more decisive; which is something I have never really been good at. This has given me confidence in how I work; showing me I can make decisions and the right ones when needed. Additionally the experience has made me even more efficient when working, so I produce more work, alongside research. I feel that my research has also been a lot stronger this unit, I haven't just collected a variety of research at the beginning and then put it to the side, but I've kept looking back at in and also gathering more throughout the development. Although I have  felt very much out of my comfort zone throughout the project, I really think it has helped me as a designer, as it has pushed me to keep trying new techniques and I've realised, I shouldn't shy away from something outside of the box. The Cultural Clash brief has enabled me to mix themes and experiment with a variety of styles; I think a challenge is something I need to make sure I set myself at the beginning of a unit, as I thrive more and produce a collection with my own stamp on it. 

Concept Board

I feel I need to work on my fashion illustrations. I've noticed that the illustrations I've created for this project, are very similar to the other perviously. It would help me greatly if I researched existing styles of illustrations to inspire and help me create a new style of drawing. I would really like my designs to look as good as they can, therefore to see them in context in a new and exciting way, would give my designs even more of a label. 

Overall I feel this project has been successful. Completing the work experience has especially been exciting and has pushed me even further in my time management, drive to do well and enthusiasm to achieve my future goals. I feel, since coming back to university this september, I have realised how badly I want be part of the designing industry, and I will do whatever I can to make it a reality. 

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