Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Summer 2013- Inspiration and ideas

   I have really enjoyed researching and compiling a decent amount of work together over the summer. I was around some really inspiration places therefore it made it quite easy for me to respond to them. I have always been a keen photographer so I made sure that I captured anything and everything I could. Over the holidays I visited France with my family. We stopped outside of Paris for a couple of nights so it meant that we could go in for a day. I found the architecture so beautiful; the bridges, typical little French houses against some striking clean cut areas. I found the ‘lovers bridges’ so beautiful. Over the years people have visited from all around the world and place a padlock on one of these bridges. It’s like leaving a piece of you in Paris. Some do it just to say they’ve done it however others so it with a loved one to feel closer and to make a memory. The metal from the padlocks glistened in the sun, bouncing colour and beautiful overcrowded shapes across the bridges. 

When photographing these bridges I knew how I could respond to them; I wanted to capture the different shapes and colours in the way I drew them. I like drawing in quite an abstract way so it can create interesting prints, however I made sure I didn’t just stick to this, therefore I worked in different medias too. I also looked at the structure of the bridges themselves instead of the locks; the way the elegant lines held up the elegant structures. I love looking at what lines make up an image; when designing a print, lines are key as they build an almost grid to build upon. 

   Using photoshop, I decided to create a interesting print from the work made using the images of the bridges. Changing the opacity of the brush meant that I could overlap the shapes to create a soft yet striking print. It reminded me a little of tartan with the layered lines and use of different colours. 

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