Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Sketches -> abstract shapes

After working on sketches like the one above, I decided to focus more on taking shapes from the faces and creating interesting prints. I work quite abstractly as I enjoy seeing how I can create shapes from my initial research. The easy thing to do with our theme, would be to sketch straight from the images as I have done to get into the swing  of things. I find it more interesting to create something abstract from those sketches/images. 

I started this process by taking key features of the faces and drawing them roughly using pencil in a exaggerated way. I drew the features without any detail; just as they appeared as shapes. I also drew the shadows on the face as block shapes. This created even more interesting shapes and started to produce abstract pieces. I really like defined facial features, such as cheek bones and I find that adding more depth to the areas in shadow, define them even more. This is why I have decided to exaggerate all the shapes; if I were to be applying make up to a actor/actress, I apply make up to the darker areas to define every feature so the audience could see more expression on the actors face. 

Thinking about our groups idea of looking at distortion, I wanted to see what it would look like with different faces overlapping slightly. Therefore I decided to do a quick sketch from my own images of faces in different angles,overlapping them to see what it could produce. I was planning after doing this rough sketch to go into more detail, however I noticed the shapes being created around and within the faces. It was almost like the negative space; the space between where the lines touched. This then inspired to produce a abstract motif. I took shapes from the "negative space" and also from key features and produced a simple, abstract motif (as seen in the image below).

I really like the motif however I feel like there could be something missing. I am therefore going to experiment more with this idea.

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