Friday, 19 April 2013

Combining Techniques

I'm still working the idea of producing a motif/print from my images of faces. I've been experimenting using line with fine liner and textured patterns, using shading with pencils.

I felt that like I was in a bit of a rut after doing these sketches; I didn't feel like any of them worked amazingly well so I decided to have a go at something else. As a group we're interested in the general idea of facial distortion using abstract techniques, I thought it would be a good idea to incorporate this with the idea of taking shapes from the image. I started by sketching a relatively detailed sketch of half a  face and then worked in the other half in more of an abstract way.

Obviously it's not my best piece of work, but the process and outcome of doing it really inspired me. I really like the combination of rough sketching and bold abstract shapes. 

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