This year has been so different to anything I've done before. I've not only been away from home, around different people and in a different environment, but also the structure of university has been so different from school and college. Textiles design for fashion was the first project I did and was quite challenging for me. Initially, I worked very carefully; restricting myself to what research I collected and my drawing. I cared too much about and how “pretty” my work looked and this held me back. Nevertheless, my tutor soon realised and pushed me to experiment more. This is where I started to enjoy and appreciate the project. I experimented with print designs and technical drawing. I've never done technical garment drawings before; it took me a couple of goes to get my head around it, but it soon clicked. Everyone else found it tedious and boring but I secretly loved it; there was something about having a neat, finished garment flat sitting on the page of my sketchbook.
Tip Final Design Board
The second term came more naturally to me; I felt more at home and I had more direction. The print unit made me think about colour palettes and motif placement. Initially I found it difficult to pick colours out of my images; for some reason I was doing it completely wrong. However, my tutor explained where I was going wrong; after this, I could pick colours for my palettes quickly and accurately. I didn't enjoy working in the print room as much; I found it really stressful! I couldn't seem to get my dyes correct, and as a perfectionist, I found this very difficult. I didn't enjoy being in that environment either; I felt slightly claustrophobic. I would love to specialise in print next year, however I don’t think I’ll be using the print room as much; I find using digital print more inspiring and enjoyable. Nevertheless, I will still have those techniques in the back of my mind, as I will always be able to bring my digital prints to the table and work on top of them.
Collection of final digital prints
I haven’t enjoyed Unit X as much as the other projects; I found it quite slow and difficult at times. It was hard to get the entire group together; nonetheless in the last couple of weeks we worked really well as a team and produced a good final piece. I do think it has been useful to experience working collaboratively as this is what it will be like in the industry. At the minute, I would really like to specialise in print and eventually become a print designer for fashion. I find it fascinating how one simple idea or drawing can turn into an intricate print. However there are many aspects of my work, I want to focus on and improve next year. When finding visual research, I need to look further; I sometimes find myself pulling myself back scared of jumping ahead. Also, even though I didn't enjoy working in the print room very much, I think it would be wise to experiment a little more, as there’s so much I still have to explore. Finally, I really want to find my own style within my work, but this will come with time.
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