Yesterday, we decided that the plan for today was to meet in the art school with our 15 panels and 25 small acetates printed out ready. We would then go to the A4 & more store in the art school to get 12 A4 foam mounting boards, mark out where the work would go on the boards, stick them down and take them to our space and put them up. This didn't exactly go to plan. Not everyone had printed their work out for various reasons. This was a bit frustrating as we wasted a lot of time. A few of us had to sit around waiting for people to turn up and print their work out, which was really not what we wanted to do. After getting a bit twitchy we decided to just go and buy the foam board and do as much as we could with who and what we had. We started to explore how many panels we could put on a board to make it look effective. We decided that we would fill the board; panel to panel. At first I wasn't sure, as I thought it looked very cluttered, but then realised that it could look quite powerful when all the boards were next to each other.
We had to wait a bit for others to print everything out, but finally we got sticking everything down. Working as a team, some of us spray mounting and some used double sided sticky tape (depending on what paper was used) and before we knew it, we were all done. This was probably the best part of today as we finally got to see all of our work together looked good!
Even though we didn't want to admit it, Eleanor was right; four A1 boards would have looked pathetic! At that moment we realised that, yeah, it was going to look quite good!
So with our boards finished, fueled up and ready to go, we trooped off to Incognito. Last week, Gabi and I were told that the space would be clear and cleaned, however this wasn't the case. Everyone else, who hadn't seen the space were a bit shocked at the state of it, but we knew that we just had to get on. We moved everything out of the way, swept the floors, removed all rubbish and finally started to get everything up. It took a while to decide where to put each board as we wanted the "good" boards at eye level and also in a straight line. We used strong foam sticky pads to put them up and they worked really well. At one point we had to take a couple of boards off the wall and move them, and it was quite difficult to pull off! Nevertheless, after moving the boards about a bit, they were all up in no time. It was good how well we worked as a team today, although some people needed some encouragement to get a move on and help, we did all put the boards up; it wasn't just a couple of people.
As some of the group hadn't printed and cut out the small acetates, we couldn't hang them up today so we went back to uni to sort that out. We divided them up, so when we came to sewing them together, we all had a selection of faces. I'm not so bothered anymore about not being able to hang them up today, as we have time tomorrow morning before the tutors come to check on us. All in all, a productive day!
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