Gabi and I went to meet Adriano today in the Northern was a very brief encounter! We met hiim outside Fred Aldous and explained that we had sorted out our exhibition space just over the road. He was fine with this so took us over to introduce us to Joe, the owner...and then he was off! A very short encounter but nevertheless, it meant that we could have a look at the space quicker. I think both Gabi and I, did not expect the space to look like this...
Incognito is a quirky art shop and downstairs is what looks to be storage, staff space and a vault. They allow artists to exhibit down here so I just didn't expect it to be like this. At first we were a bit stunned, however after having a quick chat with Joe and his colleague and having a look closely at the space, we decided it could work. I think once they said that they would clear the space for Monday, we felt a bit better! Our plan is to place our four A1 boards with our panels on, on the main wall and hang the acetates off the pipes above. We think this will look quite a effective, with a bit of work and nice lighting!
Feeling better about our exhibition and a bit of time to get back for the tutorial, we headed back to uni. This is where everything went down hill. A bit flushed and out of breath, we arrived at our tutorial, a bit late but explained why to Eleanor. We told her about where we were exhibiting and our ideas for it. She was fine about our exhibition space, however described our actual idea as 'a bit thin'. She thought that something was missing from it, whether that was work or something else, she wasn't sure. We tried to explain everything a bit better; explaining where we got our concept from and our thoughts behind our ideas, however Eleanor wasn't convinced. I have to say, this was one of the hardest tutorials I've ever had!! So close to our deadline and we were getting told different things. Last week, when we had spoken to Robin, he liked our idea for our final piece and said we were heading in the right direction, but now...I'm totally lost. I just felt a bit down after Eleanor had said it didn't seem like we had done a lot of work. I think that's because I know for a fact a couple of us have done a lot of research and development to get our ideas. It annoys me that some members of the group, just don't try enough and this can be seen clearly through our final piece so far. Eleanor said that she thinks we need more faces and work to put up; four A1 boards don't seem enough, nevertheless she likes our idea of hanging acetates up; she suggested that we did little faces and hung loads of them up. I like this idea as it will fill the space up to look powerful.
The three of us came out of the tutorial feeling a bit sick! We were shocked by the response and knew that we had to do something about it. It was very annoying that not everyone could come to the tutorial as it meant that we had to pass on the information. Gabi and I decided to get a drink and write everything down that we needed to tell our group on facebook. As we talked about it all, it didn't seem as bad, as we discussed more possibilities and ways to get it all done. This is what we said on our facebook group...
Hi guys, firstly Lizzie and i went to meet Adriano, he didn't say much but we met Jo, lovley guy and we have a space in this sort of basement area, there's no windows but we think it would work well, I'll upload pics and explain ties on another post. We have more important issues to deal with.
Lizzie and I managed to make it back to the tutorial on time, only Anne showed up which was a bit disappointing but oh well. Any way Eleanor had A LOT to say. She was not impressed at all!
Basically she mentioned how we should have related this project to a fashion/textiles concept.
However its too late to deal with that now so she suggested we document this work onto our blog, and relate the work we have been doing into ideas that are related to the course and subject area we want such as fashion or textiles. And how we would use this research in a fashion/textiles project.
Secondly she doesn't think we have enough work compared to other groups and personally both me a Lizzie agree. Eleanor explained that it doesn't seem like we have put the sufficient amount of hours into our unit x work in comparison the the other groups and that we very noticeable in the actual exhibition. She said that our idea is "thin" very flat and looks like there is no collaboration.
We explained our ideas and how we are sharing images and she liked that ans said we should show the use of using eachothers images in more A4 sheets.
Gather everyones images on facebook we all uploaded 2 each, there should be 14). We need to work with each others images in order for it to be a "collaboration" This means by monday we need about 15 - 20 A4 images each (i know its a lot) but we need as many faces as possible for it to look impressive, and have a decent impact on the public.
Apart from this we also need as well as this (i know im sorry its not our idea) mini images preferably the size of 9 images on a page of A4(you know the printer settings when you set it to 9 on a page, that size) on acetate, 45 images which is only 5 sheets of A4 paper its not that much. The images can be repeated, can be photocopies or images of the original A4 sheets but smaller, close ups, sections, typography anything you can think of as long as we have a minimum of 45 each, the aim is to have a total of 175 mini pictures to hang of the pipes in the space, so that it reflects well the the light and looks more effective. Also remember to use as much colour from the pallet to make it all pop!
I know this is a lot but in order to pull of a good exhibition we need this done, I will post time and dates and exhibition information tonight or tomorrow. have a good hardworking weekend!.
lots of love Gabii and Lizzie xxxx
So you could imagine, Friday night, our group was very stressed. Nevertheless, I knew that I could get the work done and to be honest, I think our exhibition will definitely look more powerful with more work. I just really hope everyone actually does the work!
Tutorial feedback sheet...