Monday, 11 March 2013

Unit X...what is it?


   Today, my brain turned into mush! Film and media, TIP and fashion students were brought together to discuss our new unit; Unit X. Our first lecture was to introduce our unit although this made me so confused as all I really got from it was that we had to collaborate. We were shown students and companies work which were mainly films and were to that it was key to ask questions and explore. Even though at first I was ridiculously confused, after the second lecture, I kind of understood our unit a bit more...I think. Our theme is 175 and we have to work in groups to produce something (I think) and we have to reflect upon the work we have done through our blog. We attend work shops and lectures but really we can chose what we do. I think this could be difficult, especially we haven't met our group member, therefore we can't decide which sessions we will attend. So, I think the best thing to do, is just go for it! I'm not going to worry too much about not quite understanding the unit, as it's early days. Lets see how 175 can inspire me! Here we go...

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