Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Poster Presentations

I have found today quite interesting as we have been able to hear other groups ideas based on the starting point 'One Seven Five'. In the workshop this morning as individual groups we had to put our posters up somewhere in the studio so everyone could see them. We then stood around each groups area and watched them present their ideas. Some ideas were really interesting and were presented really well. I think our presentation was pretty good; it was natural and every member of our group said something that reflected our ideas well.

Our posters were presented on a window so it doesn't look great in the photo, nevertheless I think we all collected a good amount of research. If we could do it again, I think we should have put them up on a wall and also thought more about how we could do that. Also I think they would have looked better all the same size and colour scheme, however this could just be me, being a perfectionist!

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