Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Introducing Mystic Depths

   My concept for this unit is 'Mystic Depth'. This focuses on the unknown, unexplored and imaginary. Inspiration comes from the deep sea and space; the natural juxtaposed with man made, the interesting forms found deep within. My prints will explore heavily, the idea of light and colour; deep, dark areas with pops of intense colour. I want to portray the idea of the unknown through the mood of the print. My aim is to create a range of digital prints, incorporating embroidery and other interesting materials. These prints will be designed for fashion, always having the ideal customer in mind to produce successful samples.
   I want to experiment with embroidery within my work, as this will add depth to my designs and new 3D textures. As my concept explores the use of metallic, I also want to experiment with foils within the digital prints. To develop these skills would mean my work is strong and will reach out to a wide range of customers.

Inspirational Board

Concept Board

Context Board

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