Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Digital Prints

Experimenting with colour and digital prints.
After creating my brushes, I started to experiment with the placement and colour of the motifs. I have done some work using photoshop before, so some techniques I already knew, nevertheless I did have to get used to using the brushes. I had created my colour palette by eye; looking at the image I had chosen to take the colours from, I picked out which colours looked similar. I created a few designs, experimenting with the size of each motif and overlapping layers to see what arrangement worked well. On a couple of designs I used the gradient tool, sometimes just using it on the background or using it for the whole image, so the motifs would also change. Nevertheless, I really didn't like the outcome; it reminded me too much of producing PowerPoints in middle school!
   It was interesting to see what shapes were made through overlapping individual motifs. It made me think more about maybe emphasising the new shapes by adding a highlight colour.
It took me a while to produce correct digital prints. I had to play around with my colour palette as the colours didn't portray the colours from my initial image accurately enough. Also I didn't include all of the colours in my prints which meant that it didn't represent the mood properly. I therefore created an accurate colour strip and photoshop swatches and then started to work again. Even though I did make mistakes, I'm pleased I made them because I believe if I hadn't, my new designs wouldn't have been as good as they are.
I think these three designs are my favourite and will have to decide upon one print to go on to fabric. I’m really looking forward to seeing the design on fabric as I will be able to see if it works well as a fashion fabric. I feel that my designs represent the mood of my inspirational image well and I’m now pleased that I made the mistakes as it has pushed and developed my  digital skills and techniques further.


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