Saturday, 1 December 2012

Evaluation of Origins Unit

    I think I have developed my work quite well within this project; you can see my journey from the start through to the end. From my research I worked with the ideas behind the images or source, developing motifs and experimenting with different designs. Nevertheless, I think I could have collected more of a variety of research, for example, looking more at designers work. Even though I did a bit of this, collecting more of this research could have inspired me even more, therefore producing more work and designs.

   I found it relatively easy to edit and select ideas to develop my work further. It was a natural process as I just went with what I preferred and what I thought would look good on garments. Once these ideas were chosen I developed motifs, always thinking about colours and pattern placements.
I also found my research from the shop report really useful. I could look at the work of other designers and see how they had used their patterns and placed them on the garments. Peter Pilotto’s work was very inspiring; he used bold, all-over digital prints on a lot of his collection, adding metallic textured panels. Every detail was perfect and even though you would think that floral, feather prints placed on padded jackets with metallic detail would be far too overpowering, it wasn’t. It made me realise that there are no restrictions. This project has forced the fact there is no point in being precious. If you think too much about what you’re doing and worry about your work no being perfect, then you’re just limiting yourself to how much work you produce. The amount of work doesn’t always matter, however, the less initial work you have means less development.

   I have always been good with time management and making sure I am organised. My organisational skills haven’t let me down during this project; nevertheless, I think I need to focus more on time management. I should work more in the studio as this will help me produce more work and I will get more inspiration from the people and things around me. If I come back to this specialism, I would really like to work on my fashion illustrations. Initially, I found it difficult to get my style, but with more work I feel I could really get into it. 
 I am happy with the work I have produced within TD4F, yet I know I could have done better overall. At the start of the project I wasn’t very inspired and I think this let me down as it took me a while to get into the project and start producing work that drove me to do more. Eventually I found what really interested me and from then on I enjoyed doing my work and I think I produced a lot of good ideas. Next time I need to just get stuck in and if I hit a block and don’t feel inspired, I need to do something about it. Every artist gets stuck but I need to learn to not hold back and go for it!  

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