Monday, 22 September 2014

Degree Show Reviews- Helen Birchall

Helen Birchall

Helens work was new and experimental; it was a mix of print and 3D design. She focused on architecture. This is a theme I love to work with as my eyes are automatically drawn to lines and textures within buildings. What I like about Helen’s collection, is that it’s not obviously focusing on architecture; you can’t see a repeat of windows! She experiments in a more abstract and contemporary way. The strong, deep colours add an intense mood against the delicate, frayed shapes created with the printed fabric.

I feel that using something new and different within your designs puts your work on a higher level to everyone else’s. It adds a different layer to your work; making it stand out. I really want to push myself within third year; although I love digital print, I would really like to include embroidery and styling within my work. I want my work to stand out and exploring work within the degree show has made this even clearer to me. I don’t want to blend in.

Degree Show Review- Ruth Murray

Ruth Murray

‘My work explores the relationship between the drawn, printed and stitched mark.'

In my latest project, I experimented with using embroidery within my prints.  I felt like this really created a new depth to my work; making it stonger and more interesting. This is why Ruth’s work stood out to me. The mix of hand and digital print against the embroidery creates a strong collection.

Ruth’s collection focused on ‘the energy of the coastal landscape’ this was expressed through mark making and vibrant colours. It was clear, looking at her portfolio, that Ruth has experimented and explored different techniques as much as possible so that her final work was perfect. I feel that embroidery within print develops a new level to print design; new shapes can be created on top of initial designs, adding texture and detail. 

Degree Show Reviews- Hollie Davies

Hollie Davies 

Hollies work was one of the main student that stood out for me in the graduate show. Her display was professional and her folder was filled with amazing highlevel work. Hollie uses a mix of digital print and screen print to create new, contemporary fashion prints. Hollie focuses on trend forecasting, fashion design and art direction. This therefore adds more to the collection as she’s thought about the styling and the context of the work extra carefully.

S/S AW 15 Lookbook

The colour palette within her portfolio was strong thoughout and you could see the development; her ideas getting stronger and theme pushing forward. I love how Hollie uses a mix of photography and artwork to create a print.

Hollie’s work was inspirational; it made me really want to produce work at the same level as hers. The layout of the portfolio was professional and crisp. I am aiming for my portfolio to be ready for working world; clean, crisp professional and more than anything innovative.