Helen Birchall
Helens work was new and experimental; it was a mix
of print and 3D design. She focused on architecture. This is a theme I love to
work with as my eyes are automatically drawn to lines and textures within
buildings. What I like about Helen’s collection, is that it’s not obviously
focusing on architecture; you can’t see a repeat of windows! She experiments in
a more abstract and contemporary way. The strong, deep colours add an intense
mood against the delicate, frayed shapes created with the printed fabric.
I feel that using something new and different within
your designs puts your work on a higher level to everyone else’s. It adds a different
layer to your work; making it stand out. I really want to push myself within
third year; although I love digital print, I would really like to include
embroidery and styling within my work. I want my work to stand out and
exploring work within the degree show has made this even clearer to me. I don’t
want to blend in.